نحن نقوم بتشغيل أنواع مختلفة من كسارات الحجر: الكسارات المخروطية، الكسارات الفكية، الكسارات المتنقلة، الكسارات الصدمية وآلات صنع الرمل، والتي يمكنها سحق الحجارة المختلفة: الجرانيت، البازلت، الدولوميت، الحجر الجيري، خام الحديد، إلخ.
KNUSENDE DRIFTSSIKKER Trakpactor 320 SR er bygget til det daglige slid med dine miljøopgaver. På modtagestationer eller onsite ved en nedrivningsopgave. Knusende driftssikker, servicevenlig og økonomisk. Fra hoved til hale er alt tænkt igennem. Trakpactorens bankende grønne miljøhjerte er den store rotorknuser, med fire kraftige
The high performance Powerscreen® 1000 Maxtrak portable rock crusher has been designed for direct feed applications without pre-screening on clean rock. At the heart of the Maxtrak is the Automax cone crusher with hydraulic setting, tramp release, and unblocking system. Its unique crushing action provides excellent capacity, high reduction
Póngase en contacto con nuestro equipo de ventas si tiene alguna pregunta sobre Powerscreen. +44 (0) 28877 [email protected]. Powerscreen es el fabricante líder mundial de trituradoras, cribadoras y cintas transportadoras para las industrias de áridos, reciclado y minería.
Powerscreen valmistaa myös tela-alustaisia kuljettimia. Powerscreen on toimittanut seulontalaitteita jo vuodesta 1966 ja ammattitaitoisten asiakkaidensa avulla kehittänyt innovatiivisia ja laadukkaita seulontaratkaisuja. Lisäksi kattava jakeluverkosto sekä toimiva jälkimarkkinointi ovat mahdollistaneet kehittymisen markkinajohtajaksi
1,540mm. 16'. 4,900mm. 39,700lbs. 18,000kg. The Powerscreen Phoenix 1600 Wheeled Trommel Screen has been innovatively designed to provide excellent fuel efficiency and low operating costs, whilst also reducing emissions and noise levels due to the machine running at a low engine RPM. With a 4.9m (16’) x 1.54m (5’) drum, unrivalled
Powerscreen’s industry leading trommel screens are extremely efficient in separating soil, compost, waste, aggregates, C&D, wood chips, and other materials. The rotating drum allows for tumbling for optimal separation of difficult material along with aeration. Easy drum changes, radial stacking conveyors, rugged components, and support from
Inicio-PowerScreen. CBI Logo GrnBlk Grayscale. EvoQuip Mono. MGLEngineeringInc Final Black. sisterlogo komp Grayscale. terex washing bw 360. Durante más de dos décadas, hemos suministrado y mantenido nuestros productos para muchos clientes internacionales en el Caribe y América Latina que valoran el esfuerzo dedicado que
In 1969, Powerscreen exported their first machine to Sweden (which cost £2.5k) and by the 1970s the Powerscreen name was born. In 2009, Terex® Pegson and Powerscreen®
Le support clients de Powerscreen incorpore toute une gamme de services, y compris l'assistance technique, la garantie et les services financiers. Assistance technique. La conjonction de notre réseau mondial de concessionnaires et de notre personnel de service en usine nous permet d'offrir une gamme exhaustive de services à la demande. Que
Powerscreen Latvia – visu veidu drupināšanas un šķirošanas iekārtu piegādes līderis! Kontakti PĀRDOŠANA UN NOMA Jurijs Teremovs +371 22047130 JAUTĀ PAR REZERVES DAĻU PIEGĀDI Vasilijs Gaņkuličs +371 20276769 JAUTĀ PAR
Powerscreen is a global leader in the design, manufacturing and supporting of mobile rock crushers and screening plant. One of the true pioneers in the materials processing
POWERSCREEN KOMPAKTSIEBANLAGE CHIEFTAIN 1500-3-DECK. Dieses 3-Deck-Sieb bietet die ideale Kombination aus hoher Qualität und hohem Durchsatz. Bis zu 400 Tonnen pro Stunde können klassiert werden. Einstellbar sind Siebgeschwindigkeit, -amplitude und, hydraulisch unterstützt, auch der Siebwinkel.
In 1969, Powerscreen exported their first machine to Sweden (which cost £2.5k) and by the 1970s the Powerscreen name was born. In 2009, Terex® Pegson and Powerscreen® products and services were united under the Powerscreen name. Powerscreen started out from mobile machines in a sand pit to industry leading machine designs serving quarry
Powerscreen® has achieved its 50+ year legacy through industry leadership, customer input, continuous innovation, and relationships built on trust. Today Powerscreen is a leading provider of mobile crushing, screening and conveying equipment across the globe. Powerscreen jaw crushers are designed to exceed the needs of customers in the mining
Powerscreen Latvia – visu veidu drupināšanas un šķirošanas iekārtu piegādes līderis! Kontakti PĀRDOŠANA UN NOMA Jurijs Teremovs +371 22047130 JAUTĀ PAR REZERVES DAĻU PIEGĀDI Vasilijs Gaņkuličs
Powerscreen® has achieved its 50+ year legacy through industry leadership, customer input, continuous innovation, and relationships built on trust. Today Powerscreen is a
Powerscreen jaw crushers are designed to exceed the primary crushing needs of customers in the mining, quarrying, and recycling industries. These crushers are amongst the most advanced and reliable in the market and are highly productive in a variety of applications. Jaw crushers are typically used as primary crushers because they can take
Geschichte. Powerscreen blickt auf eine mehr als 50-jährige Geschichte zurück, die von Marktführerschaft, Kundenimpulsen, kontinuierlicher Innovation und auf Basis von Vertrauen aufgebauten Beziehungen geprägt ist. Das Unternehmen wurde 1966 unter dem Namen Ulster Plant in der nordirischen Grafschaft County Tyrone gegründet, wo noch heute
Storia. Powerscreen nel corso di cinque decenni ha saputo affermarsi grazie alla propria leadership nel settore, al contributo dei clienti, all'innovazione continua e a relazioni basate sulla fiducia. L'azienda è stata fondata nel 1966, con il nome di Ulster Plant, nella contea di Tyrone, in Irlanda del Nord, dove la ricerca, lo sviluppo e la
Vorsieb. Die Warrior 2100 ist mit Dreifachwellentechnologie ausgestattet, durch die sich allein die mobilen Schwerlastsiebanlagen von Powerscreen auszeichnen. Durch die Dreifachwellenkonstruktion wird der Siebkasten mit den Abmessungen 4,88 m x 1,5 m (16′ x 5′) zu einem hocheffizienten System und gewährleistet so eine herausragende
Powerscreen Texas, Inc. was established in 1978 and has been responsible for providing Powerscreen equipment to a four state region which includes Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana ever since. We value the business of our loyal customers and strive every day to provide quality service, parts and back up to make their and our business a
Inicio-PowerScreen. CBI Logo GrnBlk Grayscale. EvoQuip Mono. MGLEngineeringInc Final Black. sisterlogo komp Grayscale. terex washing bw 360. Durante más de dos décadas, hemos suministrado y mantenido nuestros productos para muchos clientes internacionales en el Caribe y América Latina que valoran el esfuerzo dedicado que
The Powerscreen® Pegson 1000SR features a re-circulating conveyor and a double deck screen to provide the complete crushing and screening process on a single chassis.
La gama Powerscreen de trituradoras de conos móvileses adecuada para la trituración secundaria y terciaria en aplicaciones de alimentación directa. La gama utiliza tecnología avanzada de trituración Automax para proporcionar grandes volúmenes de productos con excelente forma. Los modelos que ofrece esta gama son el Maxtrak 1000, 1000SR
Sie können Ihre Auswahl jederzeit ändern oder das Abonnement kündigen, indem Sie das E-Mail-Preference-Center besuchen. Einreichen. Nehmen Sie jetzt Kontakt mit Powerscreen auf, telefonisch unter +44 28 8771 8500 oder per E-Mail unter [email protected].
كسارة الحجارة - يتم بيعها بواسطة موردين معتمدين، مثل الكسارة الفكية/المخروطية/الصدمية/المتنقلة، وما إلى ذلك.
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